Little Island, New York, USA
美國紐約 小島
Heatherwick studio
Heatherwick studio
Little Island is a new public park that shelters three new performance venues on the Hudson River. Designed as a haven for people and wildlife, it is a green oasis, held above the water by sculptural planters, and located just a short walk across a gangplank from Manhattan's Lower West Side. Heatherwick Studio was initially invited by philanthropist Barry Diller and the Hudson River Park Trust to create a pavilion for a new pier off the south-west of Manhattan. Instead of designing a decorative object to sit in the Hudson River Park, the design team saw an opportunity to rethink what a pier could be. The starting point was not the structure, but the experience for visitors: the excitement of being over the water, the feeling of leaving the city behind and being immersed in greenery – inspired by Central Park, where it's possible to forget that you are in the midst of the most densely populated city in the United States. Piers were traditionally flat to allow boats to dock, but did they have to be? In contrast to the flat streets of Manhattan, the design team wanted to create a new topography for the city, which could rise up to shape a variety of spaces. The first iteration was a curled leaf form floating on the water, its veins rising like ribs at the edges to shelter the space from the wind. The idea of raising the park on its foundations came from the existing wooden piles in the water, remnants of the many piers that used to extend from the shoreline of Manhattan. Beneath the visible tips of the wood, the piles have become an important habitat for marine life and are a protected breeding ground for fish.
位於哈德遜河(Hudson River)上的小島(Little Island)是個涵蓋三個表演場域的新公園。從曼哈頓(Manhattan)下城西區的連通道,幾步之遙即可抵達由造景盆柱撐起於水面上的綠洲,希冀成為居民和野生動植物的淨土;最初,慈善家巴瑞迪勒(Barry Diller)和哈德遜河公園信託基金會(Hudson River Park Trust)邀請赫茲維克工作室(Heatherwick studio),在曼哈頓西南的新碼頭上建造一座涼亭。設計團隊不想侷限於哈德遜河公園的裝飾物,於是跳出框架思考碼頭的無限可能性,不以結構為起始點,而是使用者經驗導向:漂浮於水上的快感、沉浸於綠地並將都市拋於腦後的想望。受中央公園(Central Park)的啟發,在那裡你能暫忘身處美國人口最密集的城市之中;傳統的碼頭是平面,便於船隻停泊,但非如此不可嗎?有別於曼哈頓平坦的街道,設計團隊想要為城市創造出新地景,並用高低起伏地勢造就出不同使用空間;第一代的設計是漂浮於水上的捲曲葉形,邊緣的葉脈像肋骨一樣隆起,用以遮擋風;抬高公園的想法來自於水面上的漂浮木,這些漂浮木來自於曼哈頓沿岸碼頭的殘骸,在可見的木頭末端之下,浮木已成為海洋生物的重要棲息地,並且是受保護的魚類繁殖區。
Principal Architect:Thomas Heatherwick
Group Leader:Mat Cash
Project Leader:Paul Westwood.Neil Hubbard
Technical Design Leader:Nick Ling
Landscape Design:MNLA
Executive Architect:Standard Architects
Structural Engineering:Arup
Contractor:Hunter Roberts Construction Group
Client:Hudson River Park Trust (HRPT) .
Pier 55 Project Fund (P55P)
Site Area:11,000 ㎡
Location:New York, USA
Photos:Timothy Schenck
Interview:Rowena Liu
Text:Heatherwick studio
Collator:Sophie Huang
專案負責人:保羅.韋斯特伍德 / 尼爾.哈伯德
業主:哈德遜河公園信託基金會.55 碼頭專案基金
基地面積:11,000 平方公尺
Heatherwick studio