Interwoven, New York, United States
美國紐約 交織裝置藝術
Atelier Cho Thompson
Atelier Cho Thompson
Interwoven celebrates the joys of intersecting with our community in public space. Inspired by the dynamic geometry of intersections that form the Flatiron Building's shape and America's woven tapestry of cultures, the installation is an unfolding set of interactive archways. When two people cross matching arches, synchronized lights and melodious sounds are activated, inviting visitors to join in a playful shared experience. The installation's interactive story wall, made of backlit papers hung on a grid, invites visitors to share responses to the prompt: "I dream of a world where together we can…" The resulting narratives will become a patchwork of voices documenting this challenging yet hopeful moment. Inspired by the dynamic geometry of intersections that form the Flatiron Building, Interwoven's archways, hammock, and benches are constructed with a steel framing, netting, resin panels, and high-density cork. As a firm committed to sustainable design, Atelier Cho Thompson carefully selected Interwoven's materials including its rapidly renewable cork and steel, a material made of mostly recycled content.
作品「交織」,旨在慶祝在公共空間與社區之間的互動樂趣。整體靈感源自紐約的經典地標熨斗大廈(Flatiron Building),以及美國傳統文化中的編織掛毯,設計師將其轉化為一系列開放的互動拱門,當兩個人穿過匹配的拱門時,燈光與音響便會同步啟動,透過有趣的互動方式,邀請遊客參與這個特殊體驗。該裝置的互動故事牆由懸掛在網格上的背光紙製成,並邀請參觀者針對主題提出分享……一處我們可以永遠同在的世界,同時,裝置也藉由民眾的回饋拼湊成該項目的紀錄。此外,裝置的拱門、吊床和長椅受到熨斗大廈的動態幾何形狀啟發,由鋼構框架、織網、樹脂面板與高密度軟木製成。作為一家致力於可持續設計的公司,曹.湯普森工作室精心挑選所有材料,包括主要由回收材料製成的再生軟木和鋼材。
"One of our key tenets as a firm is that we can build community around design," said Ming Thompson and Christina Cho Yoo, Co-Founders of Atelier Cho Thompson. "Interwoven highlights our fundamental desires to connect with each other through shared experiences and to celebrate our differences. Interwoven offers a platform for stories and dreams of our future."
Principal Architects:Christina Cho Yoo.Ming Thompson
Structural Engineering:MHA Engineering
Contractor:Smart Department
Site Area:40 ㎡
Principal Materials:Cork.Resin.Netting.Steel.Waterproof paper.LED lights
Principal Structure:Steel
Location:New York, United States
Photos:Martin Seck.Flatiron/23rd Street Partnership
Text:Atelier Cho Thompson
Interview:Grace Hung
主要建築師:克里斯蒂娜.曹佑 明.湯普森
施工單位:Smart Department
影像: 馬丁.賽克 Flatiron/23rd Street Partnership
Atelier Cho Thompson