Sacromonte Chapel, Maldonado, Uruguay
烏拉圭馬爾多納多 薩克羅蒙特禮拜堂
MAPA Architects
MAPA Architects
Sacromonte is a landscape. It is a field of relational forces, of ancient intensity and new impulses that jointly create a new, unprecedented entity. Thus, nature, production, infrastructure and the palpable energy of the site configure a field of stimuli to be discovered; a field of experiences. In this particular setting, the Sacromonte Chapel finds its place among vineyards, lagoons, hills and shelters. Conceived as a landscape amplifier, it blends with its surroundings taking the sensorial experience of nature to a whole new level. Located in one of the highest and unobstructed places of Sacromonte, it can be seen from afar. The chapel started in a factory in Portugal. Once prefabricated in cross-laminated timber and steel, it was transported directly to the landscape of Sacromonte to be assembled in one day. Simple and austere, its design assumes the challenge of conveying a powerful message using the lowest amount of resources possible. Two 9x6 meter wooden planes rest subtly on one another but without touching. From this simple and unique gesture, a new enclosure is born. Neither closed nor completely open, it is a space in itself, but it is part of its environment at the same time. Inside, the planes try to protect and sanctify a small portion of the landscape but respectfully deny its confinement. Thus, the concepts of interior and exterior are diluted in a diffuse and ambiguous spatial experience. The chapel coexists harmoniously with nature, letting in winds and storms. In some way, there is a reminiscence of the most primitive of architectures. One that reunites humans, landscape and matter with the eternal.
薩克羅蒙特(Sacromonte)是一片美景之地,融合了相互聯繫的力量,充滿強烈的古老氣息以及嶄新的脈動,集結起來造就了新意十足、前所未見的整體景觀。由是之故,自然、生產、設施以及得以觸知的能量,讓這裡形成了令人驚喜與值得探查的場域,一處富含體驗的空間。在這片特別的場景中,薩克羅蒙特禮拜堂(Sacromonte Chapel)巍然立足於葡萄園、潟湖、山丘與遮蔽處之間,加強美化四周風景並融入其中,將大自然感官體驗提升至新的境地。禮拜堂座落於薩克羅蒙特的高處,視線不受掩蓋,讓遊人遠遠就能看見。禮拜堂的建造始於葡萄牙一座工廠。預先製造多層次實木結構積材與鋼材完成後,被直接送往薩克羅蒙特風景區,一天內就能組裝完成。其外觀設計簡約素樸,強力傳達運用最少資源的意念。兩片 9x6 公尺的木質平板巧妙地相互倚靠,但並未相連。如此簡潔獨特的姿態,圍出了全新空間,並非封閉也非完全開放,自成一體,又是整體環境的一部分。綜觀入內,兩片平板嘗試守護這一方之地並挹注神聖氛圍,同時卻也懷抱敬意地抹煞了禁閉感。因此,空間揉塑出隱晦模糊的感受,難以捉摸,抹淡了室內與戶外的界線。這座禮拜堂與自然融洽共存,任憑風雨吹襲。某種程度而言,此種設計展現的是建築最原始的面貌,是種懷舊,重新使人類、景觀與物質產生亙久綿延的聯繫。
Principal Architects:Luciano Andrades.Matías Carballal.
Andrés Gobba.Mauricio López.Silvio Machado
Structural Engineering:RDA Ingeniería
Character of Space:Chapel
Client:Sacromonte Crafted Wines.Landscape hotel
Total Floor Area:30 ㎡
Principal Materials:CLT. steel
Location:Maldonado, Uruguay
Photos:Leonardo Finotti.Tali Kimelman
Interview:IW Editorial Dept.
Text:MAPA architects
Collator:IW Editorial Dept.
主要建築師:盧西安諾.安德羅迪斯 /
馬蒂亞斯.卡爾伯羅 / 安德烈斯.戈巴 /
毛里西奧.洛佩茲 / 西爾維奧.馬查多
結構工程:RDA Ingeniería
業主:Sacromonte Crafted Wines / Landscape Hotel
空間面積:30 平方公尺
主要建材:多層次實木結構積材 / 鋼鐵
影像:里歐納多.菲諾蒂 / 泰里.吉摩曼
文字:MAPA 建築師事務所
MAPA Architects
MAPA 建築師事務所