MVRDV Haus Berlin
柏林 MVRDV Haus 分部
柏林 MVRDV Haus 分部
設計團隊:米魯納.杜努 斯文.索里森 何塞.伊格納西奧.貝拉斯科.馬丁
主辦單位:Object Carpet
影像:©簡˙比特 ©MVRDV ©柏林藝術博物館 / 影像蒂爾․布德
Principal Architect:Jacob van Rijs
Design Team:Miruna Dunu˙Sven Thorissen˙Jose Ignacio Velasco Martin
Project and Content Manager:Isabel Pagel
Gallery:Architektur Galerie Berlin
Sponsor:Object Carpet
Character of Space:
Total Floor Area:65㎡(exhibition˙working office)
Photos:© Jan Bitter˙© MVRDV․© Architektur Galerie Berlin / Photos Till Budde
Interview:Rowena Liu
MVRDV celebrates opening of its Berlin office with MVRDV Haus Berlin exhibition. Ahead of the opening of their new Berlin office in September, MVRDV has launched a new exhibition at the Architektur Galerie Berlin, celebrating almost 30 years’ worth of work in Germany. The walls of MVRDV Haus Berlin form a densely packed archive that shows off both current and past German projects by MVRDV – including unseen projects from our past and newly-revealed future projects. At the same time, a team of MVRDV’s architects working on German projects transforms part of the exhibition into a ‘working office’ that gives visitors an insight into MVRDV’s working methods. MVRDV’s relationship with Germany began in their very first project, the Europan 1991 winner Berlin Voids. The project encapsulates ideas that have come to define MVRDV’s work as a practice, and soon the bold designs of the newly founded MVRDV office were implemented in Germany: The equally radical and impressive proposal for the Dutch pavilion at Expo 2000 became an icon on the Expo site in Hannover. MVRDV Haus Berlin replicates the spirit of the firm’s headquarters in Rotterdam, not only in appearance with signature wall-to-wall orange monochrome, but also in its transparency. Visitors are invited to enter a working office, gaining insight into not only MVRDV’s projects but also the way MVRDV works.
MVRDV 事務所於柏林豪斯(Haus Berlin)舉辦展覽,慶祝柏林分部的成立。在新設的柏林分部於 9 月正式開門營業前,MVRDV 在柏林建築美術館(Architektur Galerie Berlin)舉辦了一場全新的展覽,慶祝他們在德國將近 30 年以來的成就。這間位於柏林豪斯的分部將牆壁設置成一堵儲備豐厚的檔案室,展示了他們在德國從過去到現在所參與的專案,包括他們過去未曾公佈的專案以及未來即將參與的全新專案。不僅如此,一隊負責德國專案的 MVRDV 建築師還將部分展覽範圍變成了一間「辦公室」‘working office’,讓訪客能更了解 MVRDV 的工作模式。
MVRDV 與德國的合作起源於他們第一個專案,一個在1991年獲得優勝的 Europan 建築設計比賽專案:「柏林空隙」(Berlin Voids)。該專案融入了各種想法,後來更定義了 MVRDV 對工作的實踐理念。很快地,當時新成立的 MVRDV 事務所就成功將他們的大膽設計運用在德國的土地上:在 2000 年世博會荷蘭館上,激進與優秀並駕齊驅的提案成為了漢諾威世博會場地的標誌。
MVRDV 事務所的柏林豪斯分部完美遵從了鹿特丹事務所總部的精神,不僅在外觀上全面使用了具有代表性的橙色單色調,更在其中實行了一貫的透明制度。訪客受邀進入他們的辦公室時,不僅能了解到 MVRDV 的專案,更能深入體會MVRDV 的工作模式。