Her Vertical Retains Us, Parque Bicentenario Cerrillos, Santiago, Chile
智利聖地亞哥 賽里羅斯兩百年紀念公園 《她以垂直蘊藏著我們》
[ 費南多․普拉茨 + 埃爾頓․萊尼茲建築設計事務所|Fernando Prats + Elton Leniz Arquitectos ]
智利聖地亞哥 賽里羅斯兩百年紀念公園 《她以垂直蘊藏著我們》
[ 費南多․普拉茨 + 埃爾頓․萊尼茲建築設計事務所|Fernando Prats + Elton Leniz Arquitectos ]
建築師:毛里西奧․萊尼茲 米蘭妮˙埃爾頓 歐金尼奧․甘露聚醣 弗朗西斯科˙克魯茲
文字:費南多․普拉茨 + 埃爾頓․萊尼茲建築設計事務所
Artist:Fernando Prats
Architects:Mauricio Léniz․Mirene Elton․Eugenio Mandiola․Francisco Cruz
Structural Engineering:Alberto Ramírez
Character of Space:Land Art
Client:Ministry of Public Works․Architecture Division ․Art Department
Location:Parque Bicentenario Cerrillos, Santiago, Chile
Photos:Estudio Palma
Interview:Rowena Liu
Text:Fernando Prats + Elton Leniz Arquitectos
The work of Fernando Prats sustains itself in the landscape of Chile, both geographical and human, and the immersive energy of its extreme nature. The piece entitled “Her Vertical Retains Us” (Su Vertical nos Retiene) arises out of continuous observation of the Andes, the “Poem of Chile” (Poema de Chile) by Gabriel Mistral, and drawings from the 1875 Atlas of Physical Geography of the Republic of Chile, done by geologist Pedro José Amado Pissis. In bringing together the profiles of the peaks and situating them vertically in Los Cerrillos Metropolitan Park, an intersection is produced with the view of the Andes mountain range, entering into a dialogue at the confluence of horizontality and verticality. The Andes mountain range, like a spinal column that structures the South American continent, is an opportune metaphor that suggests a rallying symbol, an opportunity to recognize ourselves in the fragility of our ephemeral territorial occupation. It holds vigil, shelters memory as an irrefutable witness and, through its tectonic plates, obligates us to remain alert; it contains, delimits, orients, and defines the possibilities of habitation. In and of itself, it is an ecosystem in resistance with which we identify, in terms of landscape and territory, marking a symbol and its own poetics. Sixteen columns are distributed on the central island of a reservoir with a 42-meter diameter. Each of them possesses a section of the Profile of the Andes mountain range as described by Pedro José Amado Pissis. If they were lined up one after the next, they would make up the total profile from Arica to Tierra del Fuego.
無論就地理還是人文面向而言,費南多․普拉茨(Fernando Prats)這件作品都自然融入智利(Chile)的風景,飽含其極端自然條件的充沛能量。這件名為《她垂直地蘊藏著我們》(Her Vertical Retains Us)的作品,是他長期觀察安地斯山脈(Andes),研讀加布里爾·米斯特羅(Gabriel Mistral)的《智利詩歌》(Poem of Chile)和地質學家佩卓·荷西·阿曼多·皮西斯(Pedro José Amado Pissis)1875 年畫的《智利共和國自然地理圖集》之後的成果。創作者匯集各個山峰的輪廓,垂直矗立在賽里羅斯都會公園(Los Cerrillos Metropolitan Park),創造出安地斯山脈稜線的剖面,在水平與垂直交匯處形成了對話。安地斯山脈有如構成南美大陸的脊柱,極適合作為比喻奮發向上的象徵,以及一個讓我們在這塊土地短淺的居留歷史中重新認識自己的機會。它承載著高度警戒的避難記憶,是那段時光無可辯駁的見證。其板塊構造則促使我們必須保持警惕,無疑包含、界定、定位也定義了居住的可能性。單就其本身而言,安地斯山脈無論就景觀或領土而言,都自承一個抗拒著人類定義的生態系統,因此成為一個象徵,擁有其特有的詩意。16 根圓柱分佈在直徑 42 公尺的水庫中島上,每根都呈現出一段佩卓·荷西·阿曼多·皮西斯(Pedro José Amado Pissis)所描述的安地斯山脈剖面。如果將全部圓柱一根根相連排列,可構成阿力加(Arica)到火地島(Tierra del Fuego)的完整稜線。