Kangaroo Valley Outhouse, Beaumont, NSW Australia
澳大利亞新南威爾士州博蒙特 袋鼠谷外屋
[馬德琳˙布蘭奇菲爾德建築師事務所 | Madeleine Blanchfield Architects]
澳大利亞新南威爾士州博蒙特 袋鼠谷外屋
[馬德琳˙布蘭奇菲爾德建築師事務所 | Madeleine Blanchfield Architects]
結構工程:c/o Sydney City Renovations
施工單位:Sydney City Renovations
業主年齡:40 歲
空間面積:8 平方公尺
主要結構: 鋼
Principal Architects:Madeleine Blanchfield
Structural Engineering:c/o Sydney City Renovations
Contractor:Sydney City Renovations
Character of Space:Bathroom
Occupation of the Client:Banking
Age of the Client:40 Years old
Total Floor Area(㎡):8㎡
Principal Materials:Glass Mirror˙Steel
Principal Structure:Steel
Location:Beaumont, NSW Australia
Photos:Robert Walsh
Interview:Rowena Liu
Text:Madeleine Blanchfield Architects
The Kangaroo Valley Outhouse is a bathroom in the bush which services a small cabin for overnight stays. The concept was to separate the bathroom from the cabin and mimic the experience of camping. The bathroom / outhouse is situated low on a hillside about 30m from the accommodation and accessed via a pathway though dense landscape. It is a mirrored cube elevated above the existing ground and nestled in vegetation. The outhouse structure completely disappears during the day. It reflects the lush landscape and only the subtle lines of the cube’s edges are visually legible. When in the bathroom the walls are all glass and there is no impediment to the view of the surrounding landscape. The developed conceptual framework was to create a bathroom with minimal impact on the surrounding landscape and give the user a sense of being ‘outdoors’. It is rare to have a site without any concerns for privacy and this was to be embraced in the developed design. The walls are of one way mirror, which is see through from the inside but reflective externally. There is a bath and shower in the centre of the cube. When light levels are high internally (at night) the mirror becomes see through from the outside also. The sense of being ‘exposed’ in the bathroom plays on the sense of place, being out of the confines and control of the city and immersed in the natural environment.
袋鼠谷外屋(Kangaroo Valley Outhouse)是一間位於灌木叢間的衛浴,是一棟度假小木屋的附屬建築物。設計構想是將衛浴與木屋分離,以營造露營的感覺。這間衛浴/外屋坐落於距離住宿區 30 公尺的山坡底,可沿著穿越繁茂森林的小徑抵達。整棟房屋就像一個自地面卓然升起的鏡面立方體,藏身在扶疏的枝葉間。鏡面反射著周遭蔥鬱的景致,使得屋子結構在白天完全消失,只有立方體邊緣細微的線條仍可見。進入浴室後,四周牆壁全是玻璃,可盡情欣賞周遭風景。屋子的設計概念是打造一間對周圍景觀衝擊最小的衛浴,並且讓使用者能擁有身在「戶外」‘outdoors’ 的感受。不需要擔心暴露隱私的地點非常稀有,因此設計時充分利用了這項優點。壁面採用的是單向玻璃,室內可以透視至室外,但室外只會看見反射影像。立方體中央設有浴缸和花灑。當晚上內部光線較亮時,從室外也可透視至室內。設計師利用建地特有位置巧妙地製造了在浴室中「暴露荒野」‘exposed’ 的情境,讓使用者突破城市的框架與控制,完全沉浸在大自然中。