Beyond the Surface, Milan, Italy
義大利 2023 米蘭展 SolidNature 品牌展間
For its second participation at the Milan Design Week, SolidNature commissioned OMA to design an installation that explores the journey of natural stone from its geological formation to the finished product. The exhibition is divided in two sections: an underground sequence of rooms showcasing the processes through which stone is formed, extracted and processed; and an open-air collection of stone furniture in the palazzo’s garden, designed by invited artists. In the basement, stone is present as large, rough slabs that clad the rooms completely, as if in a journey underneath the Earth’s crust. In the garden, meanwhile, stone becomes a backdrop for the different activities hosted during the week. The two spaces are connected via a sky-blue onyx volume that contains a staircase made of multicoloured marble. The principal architects Ellen van Loon said, "This year’s exhibition is about nature’s power; it gives an impression of the processes of compression and solidification that led to the formation of natural stone as we know it today."
今年二度參與米蘭設計展的石材品牌 SolidNature,由 OMA 團隊操刀新展間,探索天然石材從地質構造到完工成品的整個過程。該展區分為地下室與宮殿花園兩區,前者展示石材從形成、提取到加工等製成;後者則擺放受邀藝術家所設計的石製家具。當人們身處地下空間,碩大且粗糙的大理石板完全覆蓋內部,讓人彷彿遊走地殼之中,同時,花園裡的石製家具可良好作為活動背景。其中,團隊藉由一個天藍色的瑪瑙量體串聯內外空間,包含一道五彩大理石樓梯。設計師艾倫.范隆表示,今年展覽緊扣大自然的力量,透過展間的層次布局,賦予人一種歷經壓縮和凝固的體驗,而該體驗同時讓人領略、窺看當今大理石材製成的技術。
At the Corderie of the Arsenale in Venice, a new work by AMAA, titled "It's Kind of a Circular Story," is on display in the "Dangerous Liaisons" section of the main exhibition of the Biennale Architettura 2023 where Lesley Lokko invited practitioners from around the world who work across disciplinary boundaries, geographies, and new forms of partnership and collaboration. The project proposes an unprecedented architectural and morphological renewal of a complex site: the former NATO base in Monte Calvarina. "It's Kind of a Circular Story" provides a virtuous example of re-inventing former carbon-intensive military facilities as new zeroemission hubs for innovation.
Principal Architects:Ellen van Loon.Giulio Margheri
Design Team:Alex Tintea.Assem El-Cheikh.Federico Taiariol.Ron Zaum
Character of Space:Temporary Exhibition
Site Area:500 ㎡
Principal Materials:Marble
Location:Milan, Italy
Photos:Photograph by Marco Cappelletti/Courtesy of OMA and SolidNature
Interview:Jason Chen
主要建築師:艾倫.范隆 朱利奧.瑪格麗
設計團隊:艾力克斯.蒂亞 Assem El-Cheikh 費德里科.泰亞里奧爾 隆恩.祖姆