Scope | Issue 142
Atherton Pavilions, California, United States
美國加利福尼亞州 阿瑟頓亭
Feldman Architecture
Scope | Issue 142
Feldman Architecture
The Atherton pavilions are two accessory structures rich in detail and imagined by the owners to be of the landscape. Both of identical footprint, height, and materials, these jewel boxes have two distinct functions: one serves as an outdoor kitchen and dining space, and the other as a meditation or workout room. After searching extensively for their perfect home, the homeowners fell in love with a contemporary house on a flag lot in Atherton, continuously adding to the property over the years. A small garage expansion and a top floor addition provided additional space for their growing family, but the clients had yet to realize the full potential of their lush and private backyard. The pavilions are delicately placed amidst the existing landscape of redwoods and other mature trees - the clients desired the boxes to be transparent and discrete to blend in with the surrounding softscape.
Landscaping interventions unify the two pavilions with a new water feature and decks that float off the structures. Next to the organically shaped pool, the kitchen pavilion acts as an extension of the pool and outdoor lounge area. An outdoor kitchen with a wood-fired oven, grill, undercounter refrigerator, and extensive storage compliment the new dining space. The second pavilion sits further back on the lot, meant to be a retreat space for yoga, exercise, and meditation. Lifting the pavilion's concrete foundations at the front and rear of each pavilion creates an edge - giving the illusion that the structures are hovering over the lush landscaping below. At either end of each pavilion, concrete returns to the site, tying the structures back to the earth. The pavilions' facades are wrapped in naturally weathering Alaskan Yellow Cedar that shroud each end of both structures while screens help form trellises on the front and back. The wood screens serve each pavilion in contrasting ways, introducing privacy into the exercise and meditation pavilion, and a feeling of openness in the kitchen pavilion. The owners encouraged a soft wood palette, with the intent that the materials would weather, further easing the relatively new objects into their verdant surroundings. The concept carries onto the interior finishes – hand-troweled plaster, concrete floors and blackened stainless steel will age with grace.
阿瑟頓亭(Atherton Pavilions)由兩座形態相似的亭閣組成,處處可見業主的設計巧思,可說是該處的一大地標。這兩座如出一轍的建築各自具備不同功能:一座配有功能健全的戶外廚房兼室內餐廳,另一座則是完全打通的靜謐空間,可供冥想或健身使用。業主費盡心思,終於在加州小鎮阿瑟頓(Atherton)找到這個夢寐以求的物件,並花費數年持續經營,成為今日所見的現代家居。隨著家庭成員的增加,業主也額外新建頂樓空間和一個小倉庫,然而阿瑟頓亭還有一大片鬱鬱蔥蔥的隱密庭園,有待業主恣意發揮。阿瑟頓亭的建築巧妙交織於原有的紅杉林中,打造出業主心目中清透空無的效果。兩座建築若即若離的距離,和周圍環境相得益彰。
兩座亭閣之間由水流相隔,並透過平臺流暢地串連。戶外廚房配有柴爐烤箱、烤肉爐、下嵌式冰箱和充足的收納空間,不僅襯托出用餐空間的舒適,也讓空間擴散,成為形狀有機的游泳池和戶外休憩區的延伸。另一座建築則位於廚房身後不遠處,隱密幽靜的開放式空間,是練瑜伽、冥想和揮汗健身的絕佳之處。兩座亭閣的水泥地基也頗有巧思。前後略為架空,營造出一種錯覺,好似整棟建築懸在蒼翠的草皮之上;兩側又與地相接,頗有頂天立地之態勢。亭閣外側皆用阿拉斯加黃扁柏(Alaskan Yellow Cedar)製成的格柵鋪陳,原木經日曬雨淋後,更顯風韻,也能作為植物攀附生長的棚架。直格柵在兩座亭閣的效果各顯其趣,若隱若現的特性在引光線入室同時,又保有健身、冥想空間的隱私;另一方面則為廚房帶來通透性,利用天然素材,讓室內與戶外自然接軌。業主善用木材柔軟溫潤的質蘊,秉信建築經過大自然的洗禮,能和周圍的綠樹成蔭,演繹出裡外融合的風景。室內的裝修也延續了這個理念,水泥抹灰牆、清水模地板和磨黑不鏽鋼建材都將隨著歲月增添獨特韻味。
Principal Architects: Jonathan Feldman, Anjali Iyer, Michael Trentacosti
Structural Engineering: Daedalus Structural Engineering
Contractor: Design Line Construction
Character of Space: Pavilions
Total Floor Area: 84 m²
Principal Materials: Alaskan Yellow Cedar, Glass, Concrete, Stainless Steel
Location: Atherton, California, United States
Photos: Adam Rouse Photography
Interview: Rowena Liu
Text: Feldman Architecture
結構工程:Daedalus Structural Engineering
施工單位:Design Line Construction