Scope │ Issue 115
Konieczny's Ark, Brenna, Poland
波蘭布倫納 康涅茨尼的方舟
KWK Promes
Scope │ Issue 115
KWK Promes
The highest value of the plot is a wonderful view stretching out. The idea was for the house to become its own framework, cropping the surrounding landscape. The most optimal construction type turned out to be a one-storey building opening up towards the mountainous landscape, providing the same view from all of the interiors. Because of the plot being located in an absolute wilderness, a security problem came up. The solution turned out to be "twisting" the building so that only one of its corners touches the ground and the rest is hang over the edge of the hill. With this solution, part of the ground floor where the bedrooms were located was pulled up to the level of the first floor. Because of the fact that there are wide glass openings in the building, to effectively close the entrance side of the house. A 10-meter wall and a drawbridge, which combines the function of stairs and a window shutter, appeared. Locating the house on a steep slope also meant high risk of landslip, which is more and more frequent in the Polish mountains. In order to limit the movement of the subsoil, the house was treated as a bridge, under which rain water flows naturally. The reality of a mountainous landscape as well as the local law made it necessary to implement a gable roof. The house took the form of a typical barn standing on three thin walls. To give rigidity to the building, the walls were tensed by the planes of the ''inverted" roof, slightly lifted above the ground. Their incline increased a sense of security. And so, KWK Promes basically created a house with two roofs that protect it from water, and it began to resemble an ark floating along the fields. After some time, Robert Konieczny realized that in order not to disturb this impression, the best garden design would actually be lack of it, the best fence would be a temporary herding fence, the best approach path – a few rocks. At the same time, the building was supposed to be cheap and easy to construct. That is why Robert Konieczny decided to insulate it from the inside, the reinforced-concrete structure became a ready-made elevation of the building. This is how Robert Konieczny got rid of all the complicated details and finishing, they were replaced by poured concrete from a local producer. The sprayed closed-cell-structure foam turned out to be the optimal insulation. It is also a vapour barrier.
這塊地最有價值的部分是一路向外延伸的開闊視野。當初設計時的想法是希望讓這棟房屋本身成為一個畫框,框出周圍的景致,因此最適合的建築形態便是面向山景開放的一層樓高建築,讓身在室內時四面都能享有同樣的景觀。由於這塊建地位於人跡罕至的荒郊野外,自然容易衍生安全上的問題。最後的解決方案便是「拗曲」(Twisting)整個建築,使得它只有其中一角接觸地面,其餘部分都懸掛在山丘邊緣。藉由這個方式,可將臥室所在部分的地面樓層提高到一樓的高度。由於已裝設了寬廣的落地玻璃,索性要關上房子的入口側。因此一片公尺高的牆,和一座兼具樓梯和百葉窗功能的吊橋便應運而生。將房子建在在陡峭的斜坡上便意味著要承受高滑坡風險,而波蘭山區產生滑坡的頻率有越來越高的趨勢。為了減少底土流動,作法是將這棟建築設想成一座橋,讓雨水從下方自然地流過。山地景觀的條件以及當地的法條規定,使得人字形屋頂成為建築的必要元素。因此,這棟房屋採用了典型穀倉常用的三面薄壁形式。為了加強建築的堅固度,從地面微微升起的「倒裝」(Inverted)屋頂繃緊牆壁,其傾斜的角度也強化了安全。所以基本上,建築事務所(KWK Promes)打造的是一間擁有個兩個屋頂的房子,藉此避免水患,於是它看起來就像是浮在這片草原上的方舟。經過一段時間之後羅伯特.康涅茨尼(Robert Konieczny)發現,為了不破壞這個印象,最適合它的花園就是不設計花園,最好的柵欄就是暫時的放牧柵欄,最好的通道設計就是幾塊石頭。此外,這棟建築應該要造價低廉且易於建造,因此羅伯特.康涅茨尼決定從內部加強隔熱、隔音,以鋼筋混凝土結構做為房屋的立面。於是,羅伯特.康涅茨尼得以拋棄許多複雜的細節和外觀修飾,取而代之的是請當地的建築包承做的澆灌混凝土。噴塗的發泡閉孔結構便成了最佳的隔熱材料,同時也可兼做防潮層。
Principal Architect arch.:Robert Konieczny Structural Engineering Kornel Szyndler Character of Space:House
Client:arch. Robert Konieczny
Total Floor Area:138 m²
Building Area:278 m²
Site Area:1,694 m²
Principal Materials:Concrete Glass Wood Closed Cell Spray Foam Roof Membrane (TPO)
Principal Structure:Reinforced Concrete Wood
Location:Brenna, Poland
Photos:Jakub Certowicz Olo Studio
Interview:Rowena Liu
Text:arch. Robert Konieczny
Collator:Lisa Lai
結構工程:Kornel Szyndler
影像:迦客爾.舍托維克 歐簍工作室採訪:劉湘怡
KWK Promes
KWK 頗汨使建築事務所