Scope │ Issue 111
MVRDV House, Rotterdam, Netherlands
荷蘭鹿特丹 MVRDV辦公大樓
Scope │ Issue 111
MVRDV’s 2400 m2 interior renovation for their new offices, with 150 work spaces, had at its core the idea to capture and enhance their DNA in what is now called the MVRDV House. The new space builds on the progress made in previous offices, learns from how the team inhabited and worked in the previous building and translated these into new, more accommodating and productive spaces. “The expanding MVRDV family needed a new house; so this is exactly what we tried to capture. Everything that the home requires, a living room, a dining room, a sofa for the whole house to sit together,” explains MVRDV co-founder Jacob van Rijs. “This was also a chance to capture how we work and function as an office, then tailor-make new spaces that would boost our working methods and output; efficient spaces that enhance the collaborative ways in which we work.”
The large Family Room becomes the centrepiece for social interaction with three oversized elements of the home, the couch, dinner table and vegetation chandelier – a large tribune with a drop-down projection screen for lectures, office presentations or football; the long lunch table, at which the whole office gathers together daily; and a huge, split, flowerpot, which has in the middle MVRDV’s ’welcome team’. Past this, The Atelier for the project teams takes up the main bulk of the central space and is light and quiet. A glazed wall, covered in doodles and working diagrams, separates the atelier from the living room stretching right across the centre three - out of five – main arches. Opposite this, like a section through a dolls-house, are the bold, multi-coloured meeting rooms. Each has its own theme and specific furniture for different ways of meeting; The Drawing Room with whiteboard magnet walls for workshops, The Presentation Room in dark blue for larger formal meetings, The Lounge with low chairs for conversations in private, the brown and intimate Library Room and The Game Room for playing or informal meetings at the table-tennis table.
And of course, several other special monochrome rooms. The five arched segments of the offices are enhanced, the previously enclosed areas were knocked open and replaced with glazed walls. From almost every point in the office you can see other people within the space. The workspaces themselves hope to breed a collective atmosphere. Custom made tables were designed for entire teams as one large unit with no table legs or dividers in the way. The creative work attitude is furthermore reflected in some specific characteristics: Unlike the rest of the office who enjoy light-filled rooms and views across the office, the directors choose to have their space tucked away in a darker corner, on the ground floor close to the printer and coffee corner, to encourage them to be out amongst the rest of the MVRDV team. Gender free toilets, a wall with family pictures and a communal, 30 meter long lunch table are signs of the social fabric of the company.
MVRDV 重新裝修的辦公室稱為「MVRDV 辦公大樓」(MVRDV House),佔地 2400 平方公尺,擁有 150 個工作空間,捕捉並提升了事務所的核心精神。他們借鏡自己在舊建築多年積累的作業經驗,打造出這棟可容納更多人且更有生產力的嶄新建築。MVRDV 共同創辦人雅各‧凡‧瑞傑斯(Jacob van Rijs)說道:「MVRDV 不斷擴展業務,需要一個新家。這棟大樓符合我們的需要,設置客廳、餐廳以及讓大家坐下來聊天的沙發。我們依照自己的辦公與作業模式,量身打造這棟高效能的新建築,讓大家更能重新攜手合作,以此提升工作效率與產能。」
大型「家庭室」(Family Room)是社交的核心區域,有三個大型居家元素,亦即沙發、餐桌與植物吊台,細節如下:設置下拉式投影幕的大型講壇,可用來舉辦演講、進行簡報或播放足球賽事;事務所同仁每天可在長形餐桌聚會聊天;接待人員會在中央的大型分裂花台的下方區域迎接訪客。此外,中央區主要是設計團隊的辦公室 ,既明亮又安靜。客廳橫跨了三個拱門(共有五個拱門),一面畫滿塗鴉與貼著工作圖表的玻璃牆隔開了客廳。對面的會議室猶如玩偶室,色澤多樣且新奇大膽。每間會議室各俱特色,有其專屬主題與特殊佈置:「繪畫室」(Drawing Room)設置磁性白板,可用來舉辦研討會或工作坊;深藍色的「展示室」(Presentation Room)可以舉辦大型會議;「休息室」(Lounge)有長椅,可讓同仁私下聊天;棕色的「圖書室」(Library Room)是讓人沉思的私密空間;「遊戲室」(Game Room)有桌球桌,乃是玩樂或非正式聚會的場所。
此外,本大樓還有其他特殊的單色空間。五個拱門區域也有所改善,原本的密閉空間被敲開,取而代之的是玻璃牆,因此無論在辦公大樓的何處,皆可看見拱門區域的人在做什麼。這些工作空間是要培育出集體氛圍。特製的桌子沒有桌腳或分隔物,讓整個設計團隊可毫無窒礙地一起共事。某些具體特點進一步反映出創意的工作態度:多數的辦公室通透明亮、視野寬廣,但主管卻選擇讓自己的辦公室棲身於較為陰暗的角落,位於地面樓層靠近影印機與咖啡廳的區域,藉此鼓勵自己多跟 MVRDV 的團隊成員互動。男女共用的廁所、掛著居家照片的牆壁以及一張30公尺的餐桌可促進同仁的互動,象徵著本事務所的社會結構。
Design Team:Emilie Koch.Herman Gaarman.Elien Deceuninck.Jun Xiang Zhang
Structural Engineering:IMD
Character of Space:Office
Building Area:2400 m²
Location:Rotterdam, Netherlands
Photos:© Ossip van Duivenbode
Interview:Rowena Liu
Collator:Lisa Lai
設計團隊:米莉.科赫 赫曼.珈曼 埃蓮尼.迪塞尼克 張君翔
建築面積:2400 平方公尺
影像:© 奧希普.萬.達文伯格